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Fri 2 Aug 11:00am ‐ 12:00pm
£7.00 each
£6.21 + £0.79 booking fee
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Sit Me Doon wie Mr Boom

Mr Boom – the children’s one man band from the moon – was asked by some wee Scottish Earthlings to send this message to big Earthlings, like their mums and dads, grannies and grandads: Just sit me doon wie Mr Boom, so I can stand...

11:00am ‐ 12:00pm
Lodge Grounds, 2C East Rd, North Berwick, EH39 4HN


Mr Boom – the children’s one man band from the moon – was asked by some wee Scottish Earthlings to send this message to big Earthlings, like their mums and dads, grannies and grandads: Just sit me doon wie Mr Boom, so I can stand, and then turn roond and be a planet going around the sun or a Boomdy Bouncer having fun wie Aunty G in the Lodge Marquee, or be a pixie - dancing roond a tree. Please sit me doon up on the moon. So I can sing ‘n dance from eleven til noon. A ‘weel kent’ fantasy character with inter-generational and inter-galactic appeal.

Fringe by the Sea 2024 An event by Fringe by the Sea 2024

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