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Fri 2 Aug 11:00am ‐ 11:45am
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How Might East Lothian Thrive in a Sustainable World?

Hear about the participatory, imaginative process of co-creating future visions of a thriving, sustainable East Lothian from East Lothian Climate Hub... and bring your ideas!...

11:00am ‐ 11:45am
Lodge Grounds, 2C East Rd, North Berwick, EH39 4HN


Hear about the participatory, imaginative process of co-creating future visions of a thriving, sustainable East Lothian from East Lothian Climate Hub... and bring your ideas!

Fringe by the Sea 2024 An event by Fringe by the Sea 2024


WILD SIDE, Lodge Grounds, 2C East Rd, North Berwick, EH39 4HN

Discover more from Fringe by the Sea 2024

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